4798 Mountain Road
Pasadena, MD 21122
Fax: 410-255-9813
Naviance is a web- based college and career planning tool that is used in all high schools throughout Anne Arundel County.
Certain tasks are assigned to each grade level, which are completed throughout the year with students.
Naviance Login
To access Naviance, please click here!
If you need help logging into Naviance, please contact your counselor.
Naviance is the tool used by your teachers as well as your School Counselor to submit letters of recommendation, transcript, etc. electronically to colleges you are applying to. Please review the information located in the "Document Resources" on your Naviance homepage for more information.
Naviance can also be used to research and apply to various scholarships. From the home page, click on Colleges towards the top of the screen and then select Scholarships and Money. Please check Naviance often for updated scholarship information!
Complete College SuperMatch
Add Colleges to "Colleges I'm Applying to" List
Build/Update Resume
Create/Update College and/or Career goal
Complete the Autobiographical Sketch
Complete Career Interest Profiler and Survey
Add Careers to profile
Create/Update College and/or Career goal
Complete Strengths Explorer
Complete Career Cluster Finder
Add Career Cluster to Profile
Create a College and/or Career Goal